Finnigan, Not Finnegan


Finnigan, Not Finnegan, a short commentary concerning the proper usage of Finnigan in the context of the Finnigan Friday event and beyond.

By Temple of Haruhi

"She Finnigans me, she Finnigans me not. She Finnigans me, she Finnigans me not..." - A dialogue exposing the "amoral" (amorality doesn't exist yet) dark passenger in lieu of all women, of which they are all due to submit to.

It was of my own recent interest to recognize the prevailing errors in the discourse surrounding Finnigan Friday, specifically regarding the incorrect spelling of "Finnegan" when referencing the event or the figures surrounding it (I'm referring to the Finnigans). This is not a trivial matter, and in the pursuit of exposing veracity I will proceed to reveal the true nature of the word "Finnigan" in the simplest of terms possible in the effort to dissuade transgressors against TOH mores. To begin, it would be best to define what the Finnigan isn't. The Finnigan is not an alternative spelling or pronounciation of the Gaelic surname Finnegan (though your preferred search engine of choice may attempt to justify otherwise). The spelling of Finnigan is unique in it's own regard because it adheres only to it's own regard. I will now present before you the only available definite definition of Finnigan:

Finnigan - An animal (especially a mammal) that demonstrates an intentional Faustian character or the unconscious ambition to kill for the sake of.

The Finnigan tradition, as previously stated, is not especially keen to associate itself with the works of the Magian (or anyone else for that matter), and is an animal of few morals (and words). The Finnigan is primal and acts on a whim, thus (and I mean, obviously) bearing no relation to the Finnegan, the (presumably) astute; born of the repressor of evolution,

The intellectual civilization.

Yours truly,
Temple of Haruhi


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